Monday, February 1, 2010

One day leads into another

Monday. A fresh start a new week to start over with a new beginning. Not so fast. It seems that one day seems to be the same as the next. There is never a fresh start because it is hard to tell where the beginning and where the end have occurred. Living in the South has been an adjustment and maybe my confusion of days is because I am bored or maybe because I am this is the definition of insanity. I am not used to being put down because of where I am from. I am also not used to having nothing to do on a Thursday afternoon. I wonder if my life is passing me by or this is just all something I can add to my book. I keep myself hidden from people only revealing parts of myself because I would rather not be that close to anyone here. What kind of existence is this? Is this what happens when you move six hundred miles from the only thing you have ever known I guess.

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Iced State

Yesterday was the first major or significant winter event here in Charlotte since we have arrived. The usual things happened the news predicted a large amount of snow that did not come and everyone flocked to the stores for milk, bread and eggs. The one thing that was odd to me was the lack of snow removal. Everything just stopped and shut down. The county trucks put down a brine which helps but is a cheaper version of salt. This type of event is apparently as rare as an eclipse so plows are unheard of around these parts. Another thing unheard of a shovel. Many sidewalks in my neighborhood have been left untouched this seems dangerous to me but I have been told the sunshine will melt it. I am glad to have been prepared with our own shovel, my industrial ice scraper and insulated and waterproof new balance boots. The only thing that held me back was my driveway which had a lovely coating of ice when I arrived home. Cheers Charlotte! I can not wait for the Heat and Humidity this upcoming summer! Out door dining here I come!